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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Food Is The Way To A Woman's Heart TOOOO...

Once upon a time there was a girl, who din't like to eat her food. She would eat 2 spoonfuls and say "I can't eat anymore".
Between that day and today, that girl has earned the name "Petu Kumari". Yes it is me, at times I am called Petu Kumari with credits to my Husband, who eats as much as me but says, that it is me who is "Petu". I take it as a complement though.

This blog is actually a way to reach my friends scattered all over the county to keep them posted on my food safari. As I left Delhi for Bangalore one of my close friends said to me "We will take care of Delhi's cauldron you take care of Bangalore". 

Well my friends, it won't just be Bangalore. And Delhi, I will keep coming back, my affair with you will never be over.

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